APS for physicans

The Atlantic Pediatric Society began in the 1980s as an informal Association of pediatricians in the Canadian Atlantic provinces of Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island.

About APS
The Professional Association of pediatricians and pediatric sub-specialists in in the Canadian Atlantic provinces.

Annual Conference
An accredited CME event with an opportunity for networking and meeting face to face with other APS members, and consultants in different pediatric sub-specialties.

CME Sessions
These accredited sessions are open to all APS members who are health professionals and have paid their $75 membership dues for 2022.

join us at our
Monthly Education Sessions

These accredited sessions are open to all APS members who are health professionals and have paid their $75 membership dues for 2022.

APS for families

We advocate for improved health for infants, children, and youth, and their families. We have gathered resources to help families with their health care decisions.

Seeking to provide meaningful connections to their members to share ideas, successful models of care and personal perspectives that can be used to improve the health of children living in the Atlantic Provinces.

Find a Pediatrician
Pediatricians are medical doctors who have done extra training to specialise on attending the health care needs of children from birth until they reach 18 years of age.

Getting vaccinated not only prevents you or your child from getting sick but also reduces the risk to those with less protection; like infants or people with chronic diseases.

Find a

Generally, a pediatrician will see a child who is referred by a family physician for diagnosis, treatment or continuing follow-up if the child has a complex problem, is seriously ill or requires hospitalization.

Sign up for a
APS Membership

Membership is open to all pediatricians worldwide as well as other health professionals with an interest in child health.

Please Get in Touch

Do you have questions? We have answers. We're here to help.