Young children aged two months to five years receive their immunization from community health nurses at their local health unit. School-aged children are offered immunization programs delivered by community health nurses in special immunization clinics at your child’s school. Children at high risk may be eligible for additional vaccines. For more information consult your community health nurse in your local public health office.
Find out more about immunizations in your province:
New Brunswick * Newfoundland * Nova Scotia * Prince Edward Island
Other Resources
The Canadian Pediatric Society also has some excellent resources. (Scroll down to the information sharing with parents and caregivers’ section). Specific information can be found here:
- Printable fact sheets for parents on all childhood adolescent vaccines:
- General information that covers the basic of childhood immunization, including a routine immunization schedule:
- MMR vaccine: Some common myths and facts about vaccines:
- Bilingual brochures for many of the recommended vaccines:
- Your Child’s Best Shot: A Parent’s Guide to Vaccination (Fee charged for the purchase of this publication):
- About Kids Health is a Canadian non-profit information source for children’s health. Among others it provides detailed info on immunization and vaccine preventable diseases.
- About Kids Health is a Canadian non-profit information source for children’s health. Among others it provides detailed info on immunization and vaccine preventable diseases.
- The safety of vaccines is carefully monitored, starting early in the product development and continuing for as long as the vaccine is being used. Find out about what is done before and after vaccines are approved for use and what is known about the benefits and safety of specific vaccines.
- Please click here for the Canadian Immunization Guide (Health Canada). The Guide is a comprehensive resource on immunization for health professionals, vaccine program decision-makers and other Canadian stakeholders with an interest in immunization. It has been developed based on recommendations and statements of the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) and the Committee to Advise on Tropical Medicine and Travel (CATMAT) that advises on travel-related health hazards, including vaccine preventable diseases.
- Health Canada has an excellent resource for parents which contains a wide variety of resources from recommended vaccines to information for parents concerned about vaccine safety.
- New Meningococcal Disease Patient Brochure (English)
- “Asking for an Outbreak of Preventable diseases.” Click Here to read the full article from Maclean’s magazine.